Saturday, February 12, 2011

Slam, Dunk

Met up with a totally hot tall white guy who was toned and had tattoos all over his legs. which was odd cos i never met a guy who had tattoos all over his legs and nothing on his upper body. Anyway, he comes over, we swap spit, but he has me flipped on my back, my jockstrapped hole exposed and hes munching away on it. pushing his tongue out to get a taste of the inside. He lines up his 7 inch white perfectly straight cut cock and presses in just using his precum as lube. i hit the poppers. we go at it for a few minutes and he's soon filling me up with his 19 yo jizz.

after he leaves i take out my butt plug and push it into my ass and fuck myself a bit with it till I cum all over my chest. I leave the buttplug in and go to sleep.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Monday, January 3, 2011

Pozitive Porn with its Pozitive Message

So Treasure Island Media, the porn company whose videos gave shape and meaning to what was otherwise my intrepid curiosity towards bareback sex, has come out with its new series (?) for videos with only and openly HIV positive actors. Needless to say this will be contentious as fuck and will rile up some, excite others, and raise a few eyebrows. The reaction is too early to tell. Going through the comments you note that people fall into a "fuck this is a celebration of how bareback sex is like amongst HIV + men" and others are like "fuck this is a celebration of who bareback sex gives HIV to men".

My feeling was surprisingly positive. note the lack of z. Too often bareback sex within semi-public space is presented in either complete sanitation or is completely fetishistic of the human immunodeficiency virus. Both are in my mind peculiar and prone to attacks from the not so extreme (you don't show the true side of barebacking/ youre too focused on bug chasing and giving).

Treasure Island Media's new porn venture is an open call for discussion (and masturbation). Although one may question the value of defining these porn actors on the basis of what is ultimately a health condition (whether adopted as a lifestyle, cult, dirty secret, or just another trait like being bow legged or blond), there is something to be said that puts out hiv + men out there for people to see in porn. HIV is a reality of world and pretty much you may get it in a myriad of different ways, whether it involves wanton sexual praxis or not. But the fact is, hiv + men exist, they have sex, they aren't bogey men out there to infect innocent little boys (always), and there is no reason for hiv negative men to not see them.

I fall into the camp that some porn (not TIM) is deceptive with its mirage of santizied barebacking... I do question what Utopian vision of condom less sex am they are presenting. In a way, I feel TIM is putting it out there. HIV + exist and fuck. and they may fuck bareback. and its hot. There is no sanitizing lie. there is no promise of "let me put it in you, i wont come, i'm safe, well let me cum in you, im safe, my viral load is low, you wont get poz."--- I think TIM has come out and fulfilled what they always spoke of, an honest representation of sex. not all sex, not all kinds of bareback sex, but certainly, less fantasy, more reality.

these were my convoluted thoughts.